Our Story
Because of the faithfulness of Pastor Michael great-grandma in God she prayed and prophesied that her sons and their sons would be used by God to preach the Gospel.
That same faith would be instilled into his Grandma’s life. She prophesied the same thing about her sons. She also would be the one who led Pastor Michael to Christ for the first time.
Growing up in church he was highly involved in different areas of ministry. One year during youth camp at the age of 12 he was prophesied over again and received the calling to preach. After returning home, he shared this amazing news with his pastor who was very excited with the news that he immediately offered to mentor him. Over the next few years he would continue to work with several other Pastors, Youth Pastors, and leaders.
In 2007 Pastor Michael's parents and he would relocate from their hometown while his parents were assigned to a church during their ministerial internship program.
The next year (2008) he would meet his future wife and they would soon begin ministering together in various areas. That same year God laid the word MEDIC on their hearts unsure why, where, or how exactly it would be used.
It wouldn't be until 2019 that they would know exactly what God had put in their hearts 11 prior.
During the most challenging part of their ministry, God would show them and fulfill the prophecy that had been given to Pastor Michael's Grandma and Great Grandma.
After months of healing, praying, fasting, and several confirmations, they knew God had been preparing and calling them to do something BIG. Even when they did not see or feel it God was still working and never stopped working in their lives.
In January 2019 Pastor Michael and his family made their biggest leap of faith they've ever taken and that was to establish a new work called MEDIC Church.
In December 2019 after several months of looking and praying God open a door for MEDIC Church to have a home located in Pilot Mountain, NC.
On Sunday, March 1st 2020 MEDIC Church officially launched at 10am. We watched and celebrated as 5 people would made a decision for Christ.
You can join us every Sunday at MEDIC Church located at 108 Heatherly Creek Drive Pilot Mountain, NC 27041